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exclude - Exclude from attack autotargeting.


Maintain a list of those beings, players or npcs, who will be excluded from automatic targeting when using attack commands with or without any specifically stated target.

By default, ones pets, party members, party member's pets, excluded player's pets and one's guild's NPCs are automatically excluded from targeting.

Command Description
exclude Display all names in the exclude list.
exclude <name> [<name2> .. <nameN>] Add <name> to exclude list. Separate by spaces for multiple names.
exclude -add <name> [<name2> .. <nameN>] Add <name> to exclude list. Separate by spaces for multiple names.
exclude -del <name> [<name2> .. <nameN>] Delete <name> from exclude list. Separate by spaces for multiple names.
exclude players Exclude all players.
exclude non-lords Exclude all non-lords.
exclude <guild> Exclude all members of <guild>.
exclude <race> Exclude all members of <race>.
exclude -clear Clear the exclude list.


> exclude
Your exclude list is currently empty.
> exclude foobar
You are now excluding Foobar.
> exclude foobar fool foofail
You are already excluding Foobar.
You are now excluding Fool.
You are now excluding Foofail.
> exclude -add foobar foofail
You are already excluding Foobar.
You are already excluding Foofail.
> exclude -del foobar
You stop excluding Foobar.
> exclude -del foobar fool
You are already not excluding Foobar.
You stop excluding Fool.
> exclude -clear
Exclude list cleared.

See Also

alias, autotargeting, command, dequeue, queue, quicktyper, target, and targeting