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alias - Nickname a piece of text with an alias.


User can define aliases for any string, also aliases on alias definitions. Aliases may be added dynamically. Changing existing aliases is possible without removing the alias first. Read 'help quicktyper' for more info about using command line features in the game.

Command Description
alias Display the list of aliases.
alias <alias> <word(s)> Create or replace an alias of <word(s)> as <alias>.
alias -clear Clear the list of all aliases.
alias -del <alias> Delete an alias if it exists.
alias -h Quick list of arguments to be used with the alias command.
alias -help Quick list of arguments to be used with the alias command.
alias -list <player> Coder command to display the list of aliases for a <player>.


alias t tron

't' is converted to 'tron'

alias t doomdark

't' is changed to 'doomdark'

alias -del t

Alias is removed

See Also

command, dequeue, queue, quicktyper, and socials